Booking of services

Aalto University
Takeout system is used for booking most of MAGICS facilities and technologies, please type ‘magics’ in the search field to find all MAGICS items. You can always contact us through
To use equipment located in Aalto Behavioral Laboratory (ABL), please contact Veli-Matti Saarinen.
Tampere University
TAUCHI/City centre: Poika Isokoski
CIVIT/Hervanta: contact form, or Jussi Rantala
University of the Arts Helsinki
Contact Tero Heikkinen.
University of Lapland
Contact Ashley Colley.
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Contact Jami Aho.
University of Jyväskylä
Contact Jarmo Hämäläinen.
Acknowledge the use of MAGICS in your work!
When you use the facilities of the MAGICS infrastructure for your research, add the following text to the acknowledgement section of your publication:
“This work was supported by MAGICS, national infrastructure for human in the digital world.“
Whenever the publication supports hyperlinks, embed URL in the name MAGICS. If the publication does not support hyperlinks, mention the URL in parenthesis after the name.
For publications without a separate section for acknowledgements, please use a footnote in the article title page.
In addition to above acknowledgement text, when a member of MAGICS staff was involved in performing the experiments or research, add the staff member to author list:
MAGICS infrastructure
Aalto University OR Tampere University OR The University of the Arts Helsinki OR University of Lapland OR Turku University of Applied Sciences OR University of Jyväskylä.
firstname.lastname(at) OR OR OR OR OR
Aaltonians, please use double affiliation to Aalto Studios – MAGICS, Aalto University for at least one of the authors.
Remember to acknowledge the use of this equipment in your research information system, for Aalto see the guidelines.