
In Aalto, we have both an environmental scanner for both room-size and outdoor use (Riegl lidar) and a handheld object scanner (Artec Leo), coupled with power workstations for post-processing of captured images.
In CIVIT in the TAU Hervanta campus, we have a FARO Laser Scanner Focus 3D, and a Velodyne VLP-16 LiDAR.
In Uniarts, we have an Artec Leo handheld scanner and a Leica BLK360 on tripod for room-size environmental scanning.
ULapland has a Shining3S EinScan Pro 2X 2020 handheld 3D scanner, tripod and turntable.
Turku University of Applied Sciences has a Leica BLK360 on tripod for room-size environmental scanning.